A new era for in situ hybridization:
multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution, sensitive, versatile, robust
Multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA imaging
Multiplex Experiment
Order one HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH kit per target RNA
Example 2-Plex Experiment
​HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH kit for target RNA1
HCR™ HiFi Probe: for target RNA1 for use with amplifier X3
HCR™ HiFi Probe Hybridization Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ HiFi Probe Wash Buffer (for use with all kits) ​
HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X3 with label 647
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Wash Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH kit for target RNA2
HCR™ HiFi Probe: target RNA2 for use with amplifier​ X1
​HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X1 with label 488​
The same HCR™ HiFi Probes and HCR™ Gold Amplifiers enable multiplex quantitative HCR™ Gold RNA Flow Cytometry and HCR™ Gold Northern Blots

Experience multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution immunfluorescence: amplified, enzyme-free, FFPE, simple
HCR™ Gold IF
Multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution protein imaging
Multiplex Experiment
Order one HCR™ Gold IF kit per target protein
Example 2-Plex Experiment
​HCR™ Gold IF kit for target Protein1
1º antibody: Rabbit Anti-Protein1 (your own 1º antibody)
HCR™ 2º Antibody Probe: Donkey Anti-Rabbit for use with amplifier X3
HCR™ Antibody Buffer (for use with all kits)​
HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X3 with label 647
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Wash Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold IF kit for target Protein2
1º antibody: Mouse Anti-Protein2 (your own 1º antibody)
HCR™ 2º Antibody Probe: Donkey Anti-Mouse for use with amplifier X1
HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X1 with label 488

Quantitative 1-step enzyme-free HCR™ Gold signal amplification for all RNA and protein targets simultaneously
Simultaneous multiplex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA and protein imaging
Multiplex Experiment​
Order one HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH kit per target RNA
Order one HCR™ Gold IF kit per target protein
Example 2-Plex Experiment
HCR™ Gold RNA-FISH kit for target RNA1
HCR™ HiFi Probe: for target RNA1 for use with amplifier X3
HCR™ HiFi Probe Hybridization Buffer
HCR™ HiFi Probe Wash Buffer
HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X3 with label 647
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold Amplifier Wash Buffer (for use with all kits)
HCR™ Gold IF kit for target Protein1
1º antibody: Mouse Anti-Protein1 (your own 1º antibody)
HCR™ 2º Antibody Probe: Donkey Anti-Mouse for use with amplifier X1
HCR™ Antibody Buffer​
HCR™ Gold Amplifier: X1 with label 488​